Wills & Trusts

Wills & Trusts

We provide a comprehensive Will & Estate writing service for people who are looking to financially protect their loved ones in the event of death. We will consider the taxation and other implications surrounding your situation which will be a factor when creating a Will

Along with ensuring your final wishes are carried out and that your loved ones are cared for, even after you are gone. With the relevant information gathered we can then evaluate whether your current resources are working effectively and identify any areas that you may require alterations. This will provide you with a clear view of how your current arrangements are working and highlight areas which may need addressing. Our Will & Estate planning advisers will always put the client’s best interests first and more importantly ensure the estate is planned correctly to reduce your liability to inheritance tax (IHT)
Why have a Will

Not having a Will in place will mean you have no say over what happens to your estate and assets in the event of your death and can cause obstacles for your loved ones. If you have not made a valid Will the law in many cases won’t reflect your wishes or needs. You will find unmarried or step children may not be provided for. Your partner, Civil partner also may not inherit the whole of your estate and may have to share this with your children, parents or brothers and sisters.

Our tailored advice can help you minamise the amount of your estate which is taken by Inheritance Tax (IHT). Our Will writing service is designed to your wishes and needs leaving no stone uncovered when creating your Will or Lasting Power of Attorney.

Having a professionally written Will can help avoid any dispute or complication in the future. A valid Will must be in writing, be signed and witnessed, you must be over the age of 18 before you can make one, and you must be mentally capable understanding the effects of making a Will which should be your decision.

Lasting Power of Attorney

This is a legal document which lets you appoint someone (or multiple people) who you trust to act on your behalf in different areas of your life. An LPA is a powerful and important legal document this is a good idea to seek advice from a legal adviser
Funeral Planning 

A funeral plan 

A simple and stress free way to arrange and pay for your funeral in advance. thereby protecting loved ones from the burden of finding sums required and relieving them of any stress and uncertainty about your wishes.
Our team can help with Wills & Trusts, Lasting Power of Attorney, Funeral Planning.
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